Maple Observation Deck
If you’re around Muskoka during the sugaring season, the months of March and April, and you see the steam rising from our cupola then you know we’re hard at work boiling our sap into syrup. You’re welcome to drop in and catch all the action from above, literally, on our maple observation deck.
The smell of maple will be everywhere. Split firewood will be lying on old grain carts ready to supply the energy needed to fire our gigantic 4 x 14 ft. Hurricane Force 5 Gasification Evaporator. Hot syrup will be filtered and then bottled. Temperatures in the arch can reach 1400 - 1500 F and up to 700 F in the smoke stack .
Three huge stacks arc over from the evaporator and then straight up to and through our plexi-glassed cupola.
We’ve all heard about a “bucket list” …right, but how about a bucket wall? Well, at Sugarbush Hill we have a “bucket wall”. Buckets that have served their time collecting sap in the sugar woods during springtime and that are now retired, have been placed and are resting on our “sap bucket wall of honour”.
Interesting and unique buckets, in all sorts of different shapes, and sizes. Wooden, tin, galvanized metal, tall and short, wide and tall, round and square, painted or plain, all are together now, in quite a display and easily seen from our great vantage spot on the Sugarbush Hill maple observation deck.
If buckets could only talk……or… maybe they do!