Maple Antiques and Artifacts
A world of maple heritage and history awaits you at Sugarbush Hill Maple Farm.To truly understand present day maple sugaring one must understand the scope of maple sugaring from the past. What better way to do this than to examine its rich history through the viewing of maple sugaring antiques and artifacts.
At Sugarbush Hill the collection of maple sugaring items that date back decades and even centuries are both interesting and educational.
The world of maple has had many changes over its long and celebrated history. See the displays of spouts, sugar molds, sap buckets and gathering pails, sugar gouges, augers, and cutters, and yokes. We even have snow shoes made just for the collection of maple sap and hand carved wooden spouts found hanging in a settlers barn from the mid 1800’s.
Larger items such as cast iron kettles, primitive metal sap pans, large wooden barrels and sleighs used to collect sap by horse are also yours for the viewing.